As some of you may know, I have been playing THIS GAME for the last 6 weeks. Today is the final day of regular play and Exeunt Provisions have begun. What some of you may not know, is that my assassin lived in the apartment directly below me. How did I manage to evade JEREMY LAWSON for 5 weeks? I couldn’t have done it without the invaluable help of Jeremy’s friend, fellow teammate, and roommate: Jason Bowen.
I contacted Jason anonymously through email as: questhithelper. The single goal of this encounter was to feed him false information as to where I slept. The set up was simple. Claim I was part of a cartel of players intent on seeing Team Hypocrite go down. As with any good sales pitch you start high so the mark, erm I mean ‘client’ feels they are getting a deal. I opened the first salvo asking who all of their targets were, and in exchange we would help them kill Team Hypocrite by supplying them with inside information.
Jason smelled a rat of course and didn't give up any information. But this was not about getting information, this was aboug giving. After several exchanges of emails and Bowen's self satisfied gloating (that he had me all figured out), I ‘grew frustrated’ with Qwests reluctance to play along with us. I then told them that as an act of good faith we would supply them with this lovely piece of information: Sinitski is sleeping at his buddy’s house.
A little more time into the game I found out how successful I had been in planting this meme into Team Qwest. Here is an fragment email string between myself and Jason:
From: "Jason Bowen"
Subject: RE: I forgot
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 13:02:01 -0500
So tell me what you know then. Who is their target?
Subject: Was your Father a coal miner?
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 22:03:02 -0500
Qui Pro Quo Clarice, Quid Pro Quo. I gave you one piece of information, you've given us nothing. Give us Brooke's and Paul's targets and we will give you one more target and then we will be even. You pay to play.
Subject: RE: Was your Father a coal miner?
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 23:08:38 -0500
What in the world have you told me that I don't already know? What is this information that you speak of? (sound of me slurping up my spit with me elongated touge)
Subject: RE: Was your Father a coal miner?
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 08:05:36 -0500
Where Sinitski sleeps.
Subject: RE: Was your Father a coal miner?
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 08:29:59 -0500
dude (or dudet), I knew that before.
try again
As with all good Cons, always let the mark think it was his idea. Hook, line and sinker. Not only did Qwest believe I was sleeping at a friends house, but apparently a lot of other teams did too.
Thank you Jason for helping me make it to the end of the game. I may not live out the day, but I had a blast. Every day I came and went from my apartment unmolested by Jeremy. Every week I did my laundry, went to the store, and went about my normal life. I couldn’t have done it without you man, and for that I am naming you the third most valuable player for Team Hypocrite. CHEERS!

1 comment:
Kudos. Great defense. Not a lot of corpses in your wake, but at least you had a wake. That's something.
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